The Canadian Geese Of Manchester.

Canadian Goose In Fog Lane Park, Didsbury, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

Last year I moved to Didsbury in South Manchester, I began visiting Fog Lane Park on a weekly basis, because of the wonderful duck pond, which features many varieties of wild birds, some which I encountered for the first time in my life. One bird really stood out was the Canada goose, what a delight these beautiful birds are.

Canadian Geese In Fog Lane Park, Didsbury, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

Imagine my surprise when travelling into central Manchester and visiting various parts of the Rochdale Canal I found myself face to face with more of these beautiful birds.

It appears that The Canada goose is found in large groups around UK waterways; these geese are always full of character, lively and beautiful to see. Introduced to the UK around 300 years ago as an ornamental bird, over 60,000 breeding pairs are now living here. These geese have adapted well to life in the city and to warmer climates.

Canadian Geese On Rochdale Canal Tow Path, Oxford Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

The Canada goose is a large goose and has a black head and neck and large white throat patch. These geese were introduced from North America probably Canada! And have successfully spread to cover most of the UK. In North America these geese migrate (as most geese do) but in the UK they are resident all year round and have never learned migration routes.

Canadian Geese And A Swan at Castlefield Basin, Castlefield, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

With a wingspan of up to 1.8 metre and a loud honking call it is not surprising that some people are fearful to pass when one of these large geese is blocking a narrow path by the canal; especially if you’ve never seen one before.

Canadian Geese On Tow Path, Piccadilly Basin, Dale Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

When Canada geese have nests and young they are very protective and they will hiss and charge anyone that they think is threatening their brood. In some areas of the UK Canada geese are so territorial they can chase off other wildfowl, therefore putting native species at risk.

These are gorgeous birds that generally mate for life and in spring the goslings are very cute, aww.

Canadian Geese Goslings, Fog Lane Park, Didsbury, Manchester, Greater Manchester UK.

Very therapeutic for my horror writing.

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